Monday, October 8, 2007

I explore culturally

In about the 15-20 times that I have been to ATL over the past year, it never struck me that there may be more to this city than the strange vegetation, excellent bars, non-skank servers and the fantastic, if at times inordinately smelly, subway. In an effort to up da ATL's cultural credit, I went down on the High.
Wait, that sounds dirty.
The High Museum of Art in the Art center district, is big, takes time and is pleasantly educational. Unlike some others that I have been to (and have loved) for awing me with their unbelievable collection. Here, one may find a Renoir tucked away in an obscure corner, hanging in the same line as some other lesser known artistic entities.
It seems almost self-deprecating about its collection, extensive though it is, with the mandatory museum shop selling everything $10 higher than it ought to be. And oh! If you're there, look for art within the architecture itself. That got me more than the displays did.
Enough said. Pics :)

The 'skyway', natural lighting utilized I don't know

Chuck Close, iconic artist, captures self. The liquid effect has been executed almost entirely through blues and grays, even though the image looks black and white.

This one's famous, as is the artist. In other words, I forgot his name. He was a priest though.

Until later.

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